First of all, from now i think that any device could have a wifi fixed and work as it should without any hardware mod. when we got a stable wifi, it should really help to resolve some video buffering issue. that work for me on my tablet and many tv sticks i got.

Most china devices are ship with a blank regulatory domain for wifi. All good wifi chip like broadcom(rk901,903), ralink mediatek, realtek... should work properly as it was wifi dongle for pc but with proper software.... not blank crucial part of code, none of wifi chip is so cleaver to learn himself how to work.

You need to set ro.wifi.channels= in build.prop for things to work properly
US Wi-Fi standards and broadcast channels are limited to 1-11UK have different regulatory standard for WiFi allow broadcast on channels 1-13
in all rom from china that i know 
ro.wifi.channels= is always blank here's a major problem to get stable wifi

=90 must be set according to your device, 75 or 90 for rk901,rk903 chip is good. possibility are 15,30,45,60,75,90,105,120,135,150,165,180.... for my pipo 90 is fine but drain battery faster...

i also edit /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf


so far my pipo m9pro 3g has not dropped wifi yet. also in android ui wifi ap scan my 3 router won't stay forever in 'not available' status when i'm 6 feet away... four blue bar wifi signal show real strengh of signal now from 1to4 in real-time (also in android ui wifi ap scan) , status bar show wifi won't stuck to full bar anymore when the connection is drop....

MOST IMPORTANT: now i got stable wifi and could be 200ft away from my router, can connect to mall wifi without going on the roof i test to stream 1080p crystal clear movie from router of my friend 3 house away and without any cut

bring a fix for gps to my m9pro 3g will be the next level....